Sat 22 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
ɪɲ📲 Çย๓👀ɱє 🇩ʌɗɗɣ ɪ ʛєt єҳtɾʌ💦รʅơppɣ ɱʌʛɪc💋ʅɪpร ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ🌊ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ 😱ⓖⓡⓘⓟⓩ pơɾɲơ รt⛦ɾ tɾɪckร - 28
(Bronx, Sheridan expressway /Bruckner Ave)
Yours ! And Only Yours ! ► Just For YOU Special ! ► Saturday A.M Special! - 21
(Bronx, Bronx Outcalls Only!)
♡•Your perfect Big Booty treat♥ K¡LL£R H¡PZ & MaG¡C L¡Pz ♡ 80$hhr Special ❤️ SnEAk AwAY n CoME PlAY ♥αvαiℓabℓε ➜ now ✨ - 24
(Bronx, Incalls and outcalls)
White Sexy latina for you love please read the post first - 29
(Bronx, Bronx , Manhattan, yonker wescherter, Manhattan, Midtown West, Upper Manhattan)
*Today My Birthday Come Sing Happy Birthday In This Shhhhhh 40 Specials All day Call Now Right Now* - 24
(Bedford Park Area, Bronx)
Two Girls✌ ❤❤✌PE©!@l O£ TH€ N!hg C@LL OR T€×t☎☎ $£ Habla €$pañol.6462872925 - 22
(Bronx, Bronx / Manhattan / Yonkers)
⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪⚪ SUPER ⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪ SEXY ⚪⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪ MEET ⚪⚪💎⚪⚪ YOUR ⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪ DREAM ⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪ GIRL ⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪ - 23
(Memphis, ⚪💎⚪⚪⚪⚪ HOSTING ⚪⚪⚪💎⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪)
HOT EXOTIC IRISH 8o $pEcIaL$ >>> Bubble Butt... Sweet Curves... Lucius DD 34s... ENTICING Blue Eyes - 20
(55 and dyer)
Real Massage & More (614)517-5212 Fast Reliable 24/7 OUTCALL or Brice Rd Hotel IN, Avail NOW - 28
(Brice Road or City-wide Out call, Columbus)
★☆《《HOT Hatiain/Cuban Mix SPECIALS》》☆★ 786-400-9558 - 20
(Orange County, Garden Grove, CA /Trask Ave. near Harbor)
ThE CuBaN FrEaK yOu juss GoTTa SEE cOMe Do {ThE NaStY & FrEaKy} THiNgz U LiKe tO DO PaPi 3472397706 - 22
Look No Further Enjoy Your Saturday With A Wild NAughty Upscale Vixen💋Your DreamGirl - 21
(Memphis, Midtown/Downtown/Cordova/Casino)
(( Real pics Real Deal )) ** Sweet Sexy hott,& Ready Blonde Treat** All Yours , ( Highly Reviewed) - 24
(Columbus, N.)
🍦🍦 SeXy#1FYEHEAD BIGbooty TWERKN bbw here reADy hosting gents of leisure 901-336-2905 * - 27
(elvis presley,brooks rd,Lamar,memphis, Memphis)
These 2 Latinas r the freakiest girls on bp find out y No Cover is available **OUTCALLS ONLY** - 18
The ever so loved IRISH CRIMSON TIGRESS returns to the beach tonight - 30
(Eastern Shore, BEACH AREA)
*¨¨*-:¦:-*- SweEt * ExOtiC * CaraMel* BeAUty 60 incall SPECIAL -*-:¦:-*¨¨* - 25
!*Nothing like the taste of Alexis! Im waiting HURRY Call*! - 23
(Columbus, Columbus east side or outcalls)
----New --> cute face, slim waist, long legs, soft skin, plush lips, and juicy booty
(Houston/ galleria)
Unforgettable Personality & Body
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
MAIN ATTRACTION ★ 80 in call ★ 100 outcall ★ EARLY Bird SPECIAL ★ APPLE Bottom EBONY 38C ★ - 32
(Long Beach, NORWALK 605 exit ROSECRANS 323 609 4191)
♥SPECiALS ♥———♥ DOMinican♥———♥B E A U T I F U L♥—-—♥ 100% Me or Free ♥———♥NEW!!♥ Available NoW!! - 25
(Bronx, Bronx in calls)
New 100 special @ BISSONET st BISSONET st CLICK HeRe She is PeTiTe Small Freaky Pretty Little Girl - 18
(City of Houston, Houston, u r welCome to my place BISSONET)
* :.♥ :* GoRGeOUS * BLoNDe * BoMBsHeLL Last Days* :.♥ :*¨ ¨*:: *1oo Specials* - 20
(lake forest off 5 freeway)
~(@)~(@)~ GrEeN EyEd BoMbShEll ~(@)~(@)~ Real Pics!~(@)~(@)~ Cum See! ~(@)~(@)~ - 20
____ Working Mans Special Available Now _ 34 F 30 34 _ Independent & Private_70 kisses_ - 26
(Richmond n dunvale)
🅾➖🅾➖🅾➖🅾➖🅾➖🅾 New Nice Asian Girl 🅾➖🅾➖🅾➖🅾➖🅾➖🅾 Kissing&GGFFEEEE; 🅾➖🅾➖🅾➖🅾➖🅾➖🅾 Call Now 🅾➖🅾➖🅾➖🅾➖🅾➖🅾 - 22
(Scranton, Wilkes Barre/Scranton/ best girl/Kissing)
Mocha Coffe -got-the-best-specials 2 girl specials - 20
(City of Houston, Houston, Scott, Cullen, 610, 288, Southeast, Reed)
♥★Manic Mondy Specials! ♥Let me Please You W My Amazing Skills And Gentel but oh so Naught Touch!!♥ - 29
(Columbus, Worthington)
Mature/Older Gentlemen Only.. A Touch Of Class for Your Evening - 19
% SupEr Thick JuiCY BoOTy % HiPs + ThIghs + AzZZ .. HoTt PreTty GuRl .. IncAllS - 24